Mora-Wahkon Historical Stagecoach Trail

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Essay By Todd Madson

Photographs by Todd Madson and Todd Murray, copyright(s) 2004 - all rights reserved.

Riders: Todd Madson (aliensporebomb), Todd Murray (elkman), Paul Purdes (toomuchvoltage).

This was day two of our trip. Paul's family owns about 300 acres of land in the Isle, Minnesota area and part of it encompasses a historical trail used by stagecoaches to travel between the towns of Mora and Wahkon prior to the advent of automotive travel. This is roughly 100 miles to the north of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Interestingly, Paul indicates that there is an ancient wagon wheel on the property at some point but currently buried by weeds. The interesting idea would be to go mountain biking on a trail that long predates us.

In a way, riding on human powered machines was a way to resonate historically with our predecessors and have some fun on the way. We also visited Bear Corner an area in the forest at the south of the property where bears are known to congregate.

Click on a thumbnail to get a full sized shot and a description of what you're seeing.

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